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EXCEDO – Official Partner of GS1 in Europe Regional Forum 2016

For the first time in its history, the 2016 edition of the GS1 in Europe* Regional Forum was held in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The event is organized annually in a different European country. It brings together representatives from 47 national GS1 organizations from Europe and Asia. This year’s edition, hosted by GS1 Bulgaria between October 17 – 21, was attended by nearly 300 delegates.

GS1 in Europe chose Excedo Travel as their trusted partner for their annual event

During the five-day event participants explored the unseen face of Bulgaria’s capital and learned more about ‘Sofia’s Roman Past’ within EXCEDO Travel’s walking tour of this millennial city.

In addition to the city’s iconic Roman era structures, delegates of the forum visited the ruins of Serdica’s amphitheater and the archaeological complex underneath the Basilica of St. Sofia – the hidden jewel of Bulgaria’s capital.

* GS1 is a leading international not-for-profit association. It has Member Organizations in over 112 countries. GS1 is dedicated to the design and implementation of global standards and solutions to improve the efficiency and visibility of supply and demand chains globally and across sectors. The GS1 system of standards is the most widely used supply chain standard system in the world.
